With numerous transactions occurring at the same time, scammers might attempt tricking you into thinking your account or device is at risk, prompting you to take immediate action.
        Slow down and research before acting!

        Fake invoices often include unexpected charges or services not previously discussed.  Fake invoices may contain bank account details or payment instructions that differ from the usual information you have on file with the company.
        Always verify payment and company details with a known validated contact method for the company.


        Be extra cautious about where you buy gift cards and who you buy them for.  Buying gift cards through unsolicited emails or unfamiliar websites leaves you susceptible to fraud and theft.  Likewise, an unexpected email from a friend or co-worker asking you to purchase gift cards on their behalf should raise a red flag.

        Increased spending on gifts and travel creates an ideal environment for financial phishing scams.  Attackers may send messages about false transaction alerts, fraudulent charges, or special promotions requiring users to verify or redeem their account information.

        Scammers set up fake websites that offer deals on popular holiday gifts.  These sites often take payment, but do not deliver the goods.  This can include tactics such as fake order confirmations, shipping updates, or holiday deals.
        Slow down and double check that the URL is correct and makes sense!


        Charity scams often emerge around the holidays or during times of crisis, exploiting people's goodwill to steal money or personal information.  The scam can evoke your kindness to consider providing a donation through a website link or call from unsolicited notification.













Make sure to catch our new ad in the Family Values magazine!

Due to the COVID-19 issues, our office hours have been limited for several months.  With recent outbreaks, we will continue to have limited hours; however, we can be reached by phone as we monitor all messages.  Our office hours are Monday and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.  Someone will be in the office during those hours and messages can be left at any time.  Other days are open by appointment only at this time. We will respond to all calls as quickly as possible. Business is as usual for all of our security and private investigation clients.

If you are looking for a unique gift idea, we have gift certificates for our Conceal Carry classes as well as our Firearms Safety classes..  These classes are very popular right now.  Give us a call today to schedule a class.  Also, see us on Facebook for an up to date schedule.

Falcon Investigative Services continues to be a proud sponsor of Toys for Tots.  Keep this very worthwhile organization in mind as we all attempt to bring smiles to the faces of many area children.

Falcon Investigative Services also continues to partner with Project ChildSafe, which is a nationwide program whose purpose is to promote safety when handling and storing firearms.  This is accomplished through the distribution of key safety education messages and free gun locking devices, also known as safety kits.  For more information, contact our office.

President Rob Clason is a certified NRA shotgun instructor.  Falcon Investigative Services, Ltd. continues to expand its client instructor services and now offers NRA certified shotgun classes.  Congratulations to Rob on his growing instructor credentials.

Falcon Investigative Services, Ltd. is a NRA Recruiter.  NRA memberships and renewals can now be processed at our office or through our website.  To apply or renew on our website just click on the NRA link.  Use the link and receive a $10 discount!